I have a couple of shout outs today and also a couple of how to's on some photography tricks I have done that people have asked about.
First shout out goes to...
Poppy Lauren Vintage. I have only just found this blog but think it is worth a shout out as the things she sells in her concession in What the Butler Saw are gorgeous! I am actually the proud owner of one of her vintage tins, purchased today! I saw it last week and fell in love and decided to bite the bullet and go and get it today. It looks just perfect in my kitchen and I am very glad I got it. I could have spent hours browsing through all the little vintage bits and pieces but alas school run beckoned and I had to drag myself away, maybe when I have a few hours to my self I'll pop in and have a coffee and have a proper look then!

My vintage flour tin! Love it!! |
Heavens Walk. I have looked through this blog a few times and each time I find another little gem. It is full of cool how to's and gorgeous photos. As an avid repurposer myself I love getting inspiration from people on what to do with"treasures" I find and this blog has a few great ones!
The third shout out goes to...
The Graphics Fairy. I LOVE this blog. It is packed with FREE downloadable pictures. From vintage wallpapers to French ephemera I have used the graphics from this site in countless projects and there are some fantastic DIY ideas too. What makes this site even more amazing is that everything is free, which is such a rare thing now days!
Some of the things I have made using graphics for The Graphics Fairy.
Only 3 shouts today as I have a couple of photography ideas to share also.
I did this shot for the April Photo a Day challenge with Fat Mum Slim and got so many comments and requests to share how I did it I've decided to do a short tutorial on how to achieve this simple yet effective photo.
What you will need:
1 hard cover book
1 ring or ring shaped object
1 mini torch
A teeny bit of blu tack if the rings needs help balancing
A darkish place to take the photo
Some sort of photo editing software to convert the photo into black and white
And of course a camera (You don't need a big flashy camera to get good results, I used my iphone for one of these shots and my DSLR for the other)
Stuff you'll need |
Balance the ring between the open book pages |
If it won't stand on it's own put a small bit of Blu Tack under it to help it balance |
Hold the torch above the ring and slightly back and shine the torch's beam at the ring on a slight angle . |
Take the picture, it doesn't matter if you do get some of the torch or your hand in this sot as you can always crop it out later. |
A ring with a setting in it makes an interesting shadow. |
Crop and change the colour on your photo using your editing software |
I used the PictureShow app on my Iphone for these photos. It is my favourite photo app and I use it all the time. |
The next is where you use different objects to look through with your lens. I used the middle of a CD for some photos I took recently which gave a cool view point plus you got the reflection from the CD which also added a bit to the picture.

You can also use a squished loo roll made into the shape of a heart.

These pictures are courtesy of Pink Paper Peppermints.
Well I hope that Monday has been good to everyone and do hope you try out some of the photo ideas I've posted about, I'd love to see your results!
xx P xx
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