Monday 18 June 2012

Sharing the love on Monday

Hello to one and all, I am sharing some love with you all today on this cloudy but decidedly muggy Monday shout out blog-post. I thought for my Monday shouts today I'd take a bit of a different approach and instead of looking at individual blogs and waxing lyrical about them I'd share bits and bobs from different blogs that I love. I get so many of my DIY, craft, gift and arty ideas from pictures people post on their blogs and also from my Mecca of inspiration- Pinterest (feel free to follow me and my pins on Pinterest). I have linked the photos to the blog post they came from (or the actual blog for some of them), so if any make you feel the love click on them to see more!

I Love Macaroons!

Well that is but a small selection of the ideas I love from blogs I love.

What gets you feeling the love?

Hope you are having a love filled Monday wherever you may be. Thanks for stopping by.
xx P xx

Love this quote!

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