Wednesday 27 June 2012

My baby boy is 6!

It hardly seems like yesterday that I was waddling round grumbling about how nice it would be to see my feet again, and was this heat ever going to go away as I was too fat and not enjoying being sweaty and puffy! I guess my baby boy was listening and being kind to his Mumma because he decided enough was enough made his appearence 5 weeks early!

That was 6 years ago today, oh how time has flown. I look at him now and can't believe he is the same teeny tiny little bubba boy that was in such a hurry to arrive.

He has really grown-up into a proper boy now, still mad haired and still Mummy's little guy, but a proper grown-up boy, into all the strange things little boys find so fascinating.

1 year old eating his greens.
Skateboarding is his new craze, it's what he really wanted for his birthday, so when I picked him up from school yesterday I surprised him with a new "deck". Wow who knew a skateboard could have made him so popular. All the way out of school and along the road we were greated with envious remarks of 'oh wow you have a skateboard...COOL!' He was mobbed at the park so held court and showed off his boarding prowess (and sustained his first boarding injury too). It's off to the skate-park tonight to practice some tricks, I am sure it won't be too long before he'll be telling me about his latest ollie, being a goofy, his primo stack, fakies and k-grinds speaking in a language I'll never hope to understand and there'll be no more kisses for his Mummy in public!

He'll still always be my Boo, Moudgie,Puss or Bushie though no matter how big he gets.

Happy Birthday my baby boy!

1st Birthday

2nd birthday

3rd birthday

3 years old- First day at school!

4th Birthday- The Elvis tshirt seems to be
a popular party outfit!

5th birthday- opening presents

I hope your Wednesday is a good one, I kind of wish I was at home with my birthday boy rather than at work but never mind we'll celebrate tonight!

Are you or any of your family having a birthday today?

xx P xx

One for you Oskar!

1 comment:

essay papers for sale said...

Aww ! Your baby boy is so adorable. His cheeks are so red like tomatoes, his curly golden hair and blue eyes are very attracting. May God bless him always.